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When you think of 'Tesla' what do you think of? Well you would probably think of Nikola Tesla which 'Tesla' is named after. Elon Musk is an entrepreneur that has invented in stocks and created companies such as 'Space X', 'Tesla' and 'The Boring Company' which build tunnels underground to prevent major traffic jams on the main road. As he was born into a very poor family in South Africa, but to make it to this level is quite impressive. When he was young he wasn’t pushed in life. Though when he was a teenager he started working for companies and earn extra money for his family. After the age of just 25 he started his own company, now known as 'PayPal'. After this he got motivated and created 'Tesla', and then 'Space X'. And here he is now the world's first trillionaire. He doesn't do it for the money, he does it for the pleasure, community and himself. Hardships Elon had to overcome was when his companies went into debt. During Covid, Tesla had officially gone into debt, they weren't producing any cars and weren’t receiving any money because people didn’t want to buy their cars during this time. Elon wasn’t able to pay his rent for the headquarters in California. He decided to reduce the price of his cars and start to make more produce of his new car, which he was meant to start mid-way through 2022. The price of the Tesla Model S went down by around 15% (160K-120K). Many people started to buy his cars again and that meant he was back in business. 



 Days after days on elaborating on what I already know, I finally put it online. I realized that once you get going it's impossible to stop reading about him. It wasn’t easy at first, but I found many more helpful websites that were able to help me research Elon Musk, as they were filled with easy to read facts. Some tips I would give you guys on research is: When you choose your notable person, try and pick someone that you already know about so when you connect with them it's easy. You may think research is boring, but once you find a website that you seem interested in, it's amazing how much new knowledge you can gain in that time. 


 Luck? There was no luck in Elon's career. There were minor times when he needed it, especially when he was in debt. Luck plays a part in many people's lives, some small and some immense. Though luck wasn’t a component in his life, Elon worked very hard every day, 8 hours to be exact. Musk recently said "We are currently building many new cars such as the Tesla Y and Tesla CyberTruck. He simply never stops working. You would probably didn’t know, but Elon Musk has donated an amazing $150 million dollars to charity. He feels that he has too much money and these poor people on the streets need some sort of food or clothes. Elon doesn’t just donate money he also feeds them food from a store they choose. Now if you thought Elon Musk is a bad person just read what I said and think about what he has contributed to this world and what is still to come. Hopefully Elon Reeve Musk goes down in history for one of the best and successful pioneers. 




 Elon Musk is the first person to create fully electric cars. Without him, our atmosphere will be filled with pollution from these guzzlers (a guzzler is a car that uses a lot of fuel in a short amount of time). Elon fixed a problem that is still going around the world, Climate Change, with creating all these self-driving electric cars it also doesn’t just help other car manufactures, it also helps  saving our pollution. Because of how successful he has been, all the main stream manufactures also want to be like him, so guess what they do? They make the same products as Musk and his team. Though some car brands don’t believe in electric cars as they think the noise is the best thing about a car, Elon came with a completely different approach to these sort of people, as he wanted peace and quiet with electric motors in basically every car.  



 Luck? There was no luck in Elon's career. There were minor times when he needed it, especially when he was in debt. Luck plays a part in many people's lives, some small and some immense. Though luck wasn’t a component in his life, Elon worked very hard every day, 8 hours to be exact. Musk recently said "We are currently building many new cars such as the Tesla Y and Tesla CyberTruck. He simply never stops working. You would probably didn’t know, but Elon Musk has donated an amazing $150 million dollars to charity. He feels that he has too much money and these poor people on the streets need some sort of food or clothes. Elon doesn’t just donate money he also feeds them food from a store they choose. Now if you thought Elon Musk is a bad person just read what I said and think about what he has contributed to this world and what is still to come. Hopefully Elon Reeve Musk goes down in history for one of the best and successful pioneers. 




 Elon Musk is the first person to create fully electric cars. Without him, our atmosphere will be filled with pollution from these guzzlers (a guzzler is a car that uses a lot of fuel in a short amount of time). Elon fixed a problem that is still going around the world, Climate Change, with creating all these self-driving electric cars it also doesn’t just help other car manufactures, it also helps  saving our pollution. Because of how successful he has been, all the main stream manufactures also want to be like him, so guess what they do? They make the same products as Musk and his team. Though some car brands don’t believe in electric cars as they think the noise is the best thing about a car, Elon came with a completely different approach to these sort of people, as he wanted peace and quiet with electric motors in basically every car.  


 I have personally never met Elon Musk before as he is very famous and he would probably have bodyguards following him where ever he goes. I am doing this from how I see him act in Ted Talks or launches with his companies such as Tesla. Elon sounds like a great guy filled with many specialties in life. Musk is not a guy that looks like he would tell other people that he has millions of dollars, he is a resilient and humble man. From the way he dresses up, in public and at home, he just seems like a man that doesn’t flop around and create a big scene about something very small. Elon has no faults but if you watched his Ted Talks then you would've seen him hesitate on some words, he wasn’t able to afford speech disorder, though he has done an amazing job to overcome his inhibitions and not let it deter it from his ambitions in life. 


Elon has made the world change, many people want to be as successful, happy and smart like him. I really like Musk because of his attitude to a problem or issue. He rarely gets angry with people, unless they do something very dangerous. Elon has also made me want to be a pioneer of something that is quite significant. He is an innovative leader that has persevered through tough times with his family, companies or friends. 


I can connect to Elon Musk many different ways, the first way is owning a Tesla, as I have probably mentioned in my proposal or diary entry. As you may know Tesla's a quite an expensive car (Start from 60k and can go up to 190k). Another way I can connect with Elon Musk, is buying stocks in SpaceX and Tesla. His company has gone up so much, that in 2017 it was $40 per stock and now its $1100 per stock and it's still going up!  


To conclude, Elon Musk is an amazing person, from living on the streets to creating his first company and finally making 60 million dollars a year. He will stay in my heart forever, as he is such a ambitions, creative and intelligent person.  

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